Eye of the Needle

Ken Follett (Harper)

5.0 out of 5.0 stars

What’s it about?

The book is fictional but it’s a spy novel set in WWII and is based on the Allied effort that was dubbed “Operation Fortitude.” The operation was designed to mislead the Nazis into believing that the Allied forces would invade France from the Pas de Calais, rather than Normandy.

Until I read this book, I was unaware of this operation but it was really quite creative and the efforts the Allies went to in order to create the deception was amazingly extensive.

The book follows the efforts to capture Die Nadel (“The Needle”), who has discovered and photographed the Allied deception, which involved decoy tanks and barracks that simulated a major troop buildup. From the air, and through false wireless transmissions, the Nazis could be deceived. On the ground, it would need an individual to penetrate the restricted areas and verify that the troop buildup was a deception. Die Nadel is that individual and the Allied victory depends on stopping him from sharing what he knows with his Nazi masters.

Why is it worth reading?

The book is high-energy and gripping. It’s got that page-turning quality that draws you in and keeps you reading. The characters are well developed and intriguing, but it’s the action that keeps the reader coming back for more.

The conclusion

[Spoiler alerts]

Die Nadel is a professional but he is an evil individual. The book pulls at the reader’s emotions, especially as Die Nadal deceives a beautiful young woman trapped in a loveless marriage, who becomes an unwitting supporter. But in a moment of horror, she discovers the truth and becomes instrumental in Die Nadel’s downfall, and his failure to deliver the vital information to his Nazi masters.


This was my first Ken Follett book. I definitely enjoyed this book so I’ll be looking for more of Follett’s books going forward!